• Decking • Flooring • Joinery •
Pale yellowish brown with possible light pinkish hues
The common name blackbutt came about due to the tree's appearance after bushfire, whereby the buttress - or butt - was significantly darkened. It is also known as coastal blackbutt to distinguish it from the tableland species, New England blackbutt.

Blue Gum
• Decking • Flooring • Joinery •
Pale pink to pale reddish brown
Sydney blue gum timber is an important general construction timber, it is widely used for flooring, cladding, fencing and panelling.
Other common applications include landscaping, furniture and joinery.

• Decking • Flooring • Joinery •
Pale to dark brown with some variegated reddish hues
Grey ironbark is a premium native hardwood that has been well regarded as a high quality timber, it is a particularly hard, strong and durable timber, with a broad range of applications, due to its resistance to lyctid borers and termites.

• Flooring • Joinery •
Deep red to blonde
Jarrah is a unique Australian hardwood renowned for its versatility. Its durability and strength make it an ideal timber for a range of structural and design applications.
Jarrah trees grow on the iron and aluminium rich plains of south-western corner of Western Australia

• Decking • Flooring • Joinery •
Orange golden-brown in colour with contrasting sapwood of yellow ivory whites, tendency to redden with age. Merbau is a popular hardwood, with a high degree of natural durability and strength it is used externally in engineering, construction and marine applications.

Spotted Gum
• Decking • Flooring • Joinery •
Varied range from pale beige to reddish brown with greenish brown hues
One of Australia’s premium native hardwoods with a striking appearance and a high degree of natural durability and strength, making it an ideal timber for a variety of structural, exterior and interior applications.

• Decking • Flooring • Joinery •
Dark pinkish brown to red brown
Applications include general house framing, flooring, decking, lining and cladding. Used in the construction of plywood, laminated beams and bench tops, and for joinery and parquetry and dance floors.

White Mahogany
• Decking • Flooring • Joinery •
Light yellow browns to creamy browns
Suitable for a range of applications, such as posts and poles, framing, flooring, lining, decking and cladding. White Mahogany is also used in the manufacture of veneer and plywood.

White Stringybark
• Flooring • Joinery •
Light brown to occasionally pale pink in colour
Generally used for house framing and cladding, flooring and decking, linings and joinery. White stringybark is also used for fencing, landscaping and retaining walls